Whois Domain

Check who owns a domain

What is WHOIS

WHOIS (Who Is) is a protocol and database used to query the registration information of internet domain names. When you register a domain name, you are required to provide certain contact information such as your name, address, email, and phone number. This information is stored in a central registry known as the WHOIS database.

By using the WHOIS protocol, anyone can query the registration information of a specific domain name. This information typically includes the domain name owner, registration date, expiry date, domain registrar, and domain name servers, among other details. The WHOIS information is valuable for network administrators, domain registrars, law enforcement agencies, and regular internet users.

However, due to privacy and security concerns, many domain registrars offer WHOIS privacy protection services. This means that they display proxy service contact information in the WHOIS database instead of the actual owner's details. This helps prevent malicious users from accessing the personal information of domain name owners.

In summary, WHOIS is a protocol and database used to query the registration information of internet domain names, providing details about the domain name owner and related information.

WHOIS Features

Domain Ownership Verification
Contact Information
Registration and Expiry Dates
Name Servers
Historical Data
WHOIS Privacy Protection